Hiring the right commercial paving contractor can make a huge difference for your project. Whether your parking lot is large or small, if it’s not in top condition, it can be hazardous to your business. It reflects your image and your efficiency just as much as your office entry way. Nothing says “run down,” or “dated” more than a parking lot with faded lines, cracked asphalt or potholes. Cracks and holes can also be dangerous to your customers. If you want to spruce up your business and give it more curb appeal, pave the way with a new parking lot.
Start by researching local commercial paving contractors. Look for contractors who offer comprehensive paving services for commercial needs. These include experience in new construction, the ability to remove and replace asphalt, the ability to resurface, patch, seal coat, stripe and sign your lot. Be sure the contractor can actually show you some commercial lots he has done so you can see his work.
A good commercial paving contractor will visit your site to get a first-hand look at the job so he can provide an accurate estimate. By evaluating the condition of the lot in person, the contractor will be better able to make recommendations for improvements. Let him know your goals and your vision for the lot – he may have ideas you never considered. In addition, if you want to expand your parking capacity, he can recommend ways to do so.
Once you receive the estimate for commercial paving services, check it for all phases of the job. The estimate should enumerate costs for any excavation, base installation, asphalt paving, striping and signage. Seal coating maintenance is also a good idea to keep your new lot at its best. Seal coating annually or bi-annually can help prevent cracks from starting or widening and extend the life of your parking lot. Hiring the best commercial paving contractor with the right experience and qualifications can make all the difference for your business by offering your customer a smoothly paved path to your front door.