Commercial paving contractors specialize in paving parking lots, roads and other large hard surface projects with either asphalt or concrete, depending on your specific needs. When it comes to choosing between commercial paving contractors, there are things you can do to make sure you get a reliable, responsible and affordable company for your next paving project.

  1. Get Detailed Estimates

As you evaluate potential commercial paving contractors, choose between three and five for your next project. Then, call them to schedule estimates. You want the contractor to come out to your business, view the project site and provide you with detailed estimates that include line items for materials and labor. If there may be extra or hidden fees, you also want those listed on your estimate.



  1. Ask for References

While you have the contractor at your business, make sure to ask for references of local projects and their most recent projects. These references should include the name, address and phone number of at least three previous clients. This gives you the option to call those references and/or drive by to view the work.




  1. Hire Your Commercial Paving Contractor

The last step is hiring the commercial paving contractor for your next project. Review the estimates and the information you received from the references. Choose the contractor that best aligns with your goals and your budget. This may mean not choosing the cheapest contractor. In fact, if you have an estimate that is well below the other estimates, you should ask yourself why. The contractor may be prone to cutting corners or tacking on fees and extras.

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Since 1989, we have been the paving contractors of choice in the local area offering professional and outstanding commercial paving and residential paving services.

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