If a new driveway or parking lot is in your future, you need to start the process by choosing the right material. In America, 94% of roads are paved with asphalt, and for good reason. Asphalt has many proven benefits over other driveway and parking lot materials. Here are some reasons why it is a good choice.

1. Asphalt is Safer

Asphalt is a safer option than many paving choices. It has a high skid resistance, giving drivers and pedestrians better traction even in wet and snowy conditions. Also, the dark color of asphalt provides a high level of contrast to make striping and other markings more visible in parking lots. When it does snow, the dark color of the asphalt absorbs heat energy from the sun, allowing the ice and snow to melt more quickly than with lighter pavement options.

2. Asphalt is a Quieter Paving Option

When you pave your driveway or parking lot with asphalt, you’ll notice that it’s a quieter option. On the highway, asphalt reduces highway noise by as much as seven decibels. While the change at your home or business may not be this significant, it is still a much quieter option than other choices. 

3. Asphalt Helps You Save Money

Asphalt goes in quicker and often at a lower price than many other pavement options. It is a soother service, causing less wear and tear on the vehicles that use your property. It also can last for up to 30 years with proper maintenance, giving you a long-lasting paving option.

4. Asphalt Protects The Environment

Asphalt is a fully recyclable material. In fact, it is the most recycled product in the country. Items like used tires or shingles can be put into the asphalt mix, helping reduce waste in landfills. It requires much less energy to produce than other paving materials. If you are looking for a paving product that helps you “go green” just a little bit more, asphalt is the one you want.

5. Asphalt Handles Weather Well

Finally, asphalt handles the demands of local weather well. As a flexible material, it expands and contracts with changing temperatures, with far less risk of cracking or buckling.

With all of these benefits, asphalt is clearly the best choice for your driveway or parking lot. Schedule a quote today to learn more about how you can enjoy these benefits for yourself.

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